Monday, January 30, 2012

RN Catalog Analyst Rules

So, you've been hired to RN as a catalog analyst? Nice. I'm NonstopEpic, your friendly catalog manager. I work on RN managing the catalog related posts and writing some catalog reviews. Now, let me go over some basic rules and tips of advice for working on RN. (This guide is specifically for catalog analysts. If you are not a catalog analyst, you don't need to read this.)

First thing you should do is create a Twitter account if you haven't already. Twitter is an online site used for social networking. I recommend that you should learn how to use Twitter accurately if you have never used it before. The reason why you should do this is because Twitter is the best way to communicate to me and the rest of the Roblox News staff. Second, if you haven't already, is to follow me on Twitter. I'm NonstopEpicRBLX on Twitter. Don't worry, I don't send any inappropriate/spam tweets. I will follow you back, that way I can send you DMs on Twitter. (A DM is like a PM on Roblox) Okay, now lets move on to the basics.

First of all, I choose what will be reviewed each week, and you will be assigned to review whatever I want you to review. I will set deadlines for the posts, so you have to manage your time appropriately. I will do posts as well. If you can't write some posts for a specific reason (Examples: You're going on vacation, you have play practices, etc.) notify me on Twitter and I won't assign you to write any posts for a while. But, when you can write posts again, I will definitely give you some assignments. If you have some big school assignments and can't make a post, notify me on Twitter. I will give you some "grace days" as I call them. Grace days are days where you should not do any RN posts and focus on schoolwork. If you have any problems in general, talk to me via Twitter and I'll handle it. If I'm going to be a little inactive for a while (Example: Many play practices) I will notify all catalog analysts ahead of time what they should work on. Always check my tweets to see if there is anything that involves Roblox News. One last thing: if there is a specific hat you would really want to review, tell me on Twitter the hat's name, and I might consider letting you review it.

Now, let me just tell you some things you shouldn't do in your reviews. First, you must spell correctly. Spell1ng liek dis will definately n0t get postd to RN. Use correct spelling in your articles or else they will not get published. Second, use a good format for your reviews. I do not want to see a review that is very sloppy and messy. You can either use your own format or use mine. Check out some of my articles to understand what my format is. Also, be careful on how you review the item you are reviewing. If you are reviewing an item the community really likes and you give it a negative review, that is not good. Many people won't agree with the review, and it won't get posted. I forgot to mention this earlier, but right after you write a post, you cannot publish it. I will check your article then post it if it does not break any rules.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy being a catalog analyst on RN. These rules might get changed; if they do I will notify you via Twitter.

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